Redis Fundamentals: Key-Value Store Deep Dive
1. Core Concepts 📝
Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, message broker, and queue. Let's explore its fundamental concepts through practical examples.
Data Structures
Redis supports multiple data structures. Here's how each one works:
# Strings - Most basic data type
SET user:1:name "John Doe"
GET user:1:name # Returns: "John Doe"
# Numbers are also stored as strings but can be incremented
SET user:1:score 10
INCR user:1:score # Returns: 11
INCRBY user:1:score 5 # Returns: 16
# Lists - Ordered collection of strings
LPUSH user:1:tasks "Send email"
LPUSH user:1:tasks "Review code"
LPUSH user:1:tasks "Update docs"
LRANGE user:1:tasks 0 -1 # Returns all tasks from start to end
# Sets - Unordered collection of unique strings
SADD user:1:skills "python"
SADD user:1:skills "javascript" "python" # Won't add duplicate "python"
SMEMBERS user:1:skills # Returns all skills
# Sorted Sets - Sets with scores for ordering
ZADD leaderboard 100 "player1"
ZADD leaderboard 200 "player2"
ZADD leaderboard 150 "player3"
ZRANGE leaderboard 0 -1 WITHSCORES # Returns players sorted by score
# Hashes - Maps of field-value pairs
HSET user:1 name "John Doe" age "30" city "New York"
HGET user:1 name # Returns: "John Doe"
HGETALL user:1 # Returns all fields and values
Time-To-Live (TTL)
Redis supports automatic key expiration, perfect for caching:
# Set key with expiration in seconds
SET session:123 "user_data" EX 3600 # Expires in 1 hour
# Check remaining time
TTL session:123 # Returns seconds remaining
# Remove expiration
PERSIST session:123 # Key will not expire
# Set expiration on existing key
EXPIRE session:123 1800 # Set to expire in 30 minutes
2. Advanced Operations 🔄
Redis transactions allow executing multiple commands in a single step:
# Start transaction
# Queue commands
SET user:2:name "Jane Smith"
HSET user:2 email "" age "28"
SADD active:users "user:2"
# Execute transaction
# Transaction with conditions
WATCH user:2:name # Watch for changes
SET user:2:name "Jane Doe" # Only executes if user:2:name hasn't changed
Pub/Sub Messaging
Redis can act as a message broker using publish/subscribe:
# In subscriber terminal
SUBSCRIBE news:tech # Subscribe to tech news channel
# In publisher terminal
PUBLISH news:tech "New Redis version released!"
# Pattern-based subscription
PSUBSCRIBE news:* # Subscribe to all news channels
# Multiple channel subscription
SUBSCRIBE news:tech news:science
3. Data Persistence 💾
Redis offers different persistence options:
# RDB Snapshot
SAVE # Synchronous save
BGSAVE # Asynchronous save
# Append-only file configuration
CONFIG SET appendonly yes # Enable AOF
CONFIG SET appendfsync always # Sync after every command
# Hybrid persistence
CONFIG SET aof-use-rdb-preamble yes
4. Real-World Use Cases 🌐
Caching Layer
# Function to get user data with cache
def get_user_data(user_id):
# Check cache first
cache_key = f"user:{user_id}:data"
# Try to get from cache
cached_data = redis.get(cache_key)
if cached_data:
return json.loads(cached_data)
# If not in cache, get from database
user_data = database.get_user(user_id)
# Store in cache with expiration
3600, # 1 hour expiration
return user_data
Rate Limiting
# Rate limiting implementation
def is_rate_limited(user_id, limit=10, window=60):
key = f"ratelimit:{user_id}"
# Get current count
current = redis.get(key)
if not current:
# First request
redis.setex(key, window, 1)
return False
if int(current) >= limit:
# Rate limit exceeded
return True
# Increment counter
return False
Session Storage
# Session management
def create_session(user_id, data):
session_id = generate_session_id()
# Store session with expiration
redis.hset(f"session:{session_id}", mapping={
'user_id': user_id,
'data': json.dumps(data)
# Set expiration (24 hours)
redis.expire(f"session:{session_id}", 86400)
return session_id
def get_session(session_id):
session_data = redis.hgetall(f"session:{session_id}")
if not session_data:
return None
session_data['data'] = json.loads(session_data['data'])
return session_data
Leaderboard System
# Leaderboard implementation
def update_score(user_id, score):
redis.zadd('leaderboard', {user_id: score})
def get_top_players(limit=10):
return redis.zrevrange(
def get_user_rank(user_id):
rank = redis.zrevrank('leaderboard', user_id)
return rank + 1 if rank is not None else None
5. Performance Optimization 🚀
Pipelining reduces network roundtrips:
# Without pipelining
for i in range(100):
redis.set(f"key:{i}", f"value:{i}")
# With pipelining
with redis.pipeline() as pipe:
for i in range(100):
pipe.set(f"key:{i}", f"value:{i}")
Memory Optimization
# Memory usage commands
MEMORY USAGE key # Check memory used by key
MEMORY DOCTOR # Get memory usage reports
# Using smaller data structures
HSET user:compact username "john" \ # More efficient than separate keys
email "" \
age "30"
# Key expiration strategies
SETEX cache:key 3600 "value" # Set with expiration
6. Monitoring and Maintenance 🔧
Monitoring Commands
# Server information
INFO # Get server statistics
INFO memory # Memory-specific information
INFO clients # Connected client information
# Slow log analysis
SLOWLOG GET 10 # Get last 10 slow commands
SLOWLOG RESET # Reset slow log
# Client connections
CLIENT LIST # List connected clients
CLIENT KILL # Kill client connections
Backup and Recovery
# Manual backup
SAVE # Synchronous save to disk
BGSAVE # Asynchronous save to disk
# Replication setup
SLAVEOF master-host 6379 # Set up as replica
SLAVEOF NO ONE # Promote to master
# Persistence configuration
CONFIG SET save "900 1 300 10" # Save after 900s if 1 key changed
# or 300s if 10 keys changed
References 📚
- Official Documentation
- Redis Commands Reference
- Redis Administration Guide
- Redis Security Guide
- Best Practices
- Redis Memory Optimization
- Redis Persistence Guide
- High Availability Patterns
- Tools
- Redis CLI
- Redis Desktop Manager
- Redis Insight
- Community Resources
- Redis University
- Redis Forums
- Stack Overflow Redis Tag