๐ Gateway Pattern in Clean Architecture
1. Overview and Purposeโ
The Gateway Pattern provides a simplified interface to complex external systems, encapsulating the implementation details of external service communication while maintaining clean architecture principles.
Problems Solvedโ
- External service coupling
- Complex integration logic
- Protocol dependencies
- Testing difficulties
- Configuration management
- Error handling standardization
Business Valueโ
- Simplified integration
- Enhanced maintainability
- Improved testability
- Better error handling
- Easier service migration
- Consistent interfaces
2. ๐๏ธ Gateway Pattern Structureโ
3. ๐ป Implementation Examplesโ
Payment Gateway Exampleโ
// Domain Layer - Gateway Interface
public interface PaymentGateway {
PaymentResult processPayment(Payment payment);
PaymentStatus checkStatus(PaymentId paymentId);
PaymentRefund refundPayment(PaymentId paymentId, Money amount);
// Domain Layer - Value Objects
public record Payment(
PaymentId id,
Money amount,
Currency currency,
PaymentMethod method,
CustomerInfo customer
) {}
public record PaymentResult(
PaymentId id,
PaymentStatus status,
String transactionId,
Instant processedAt
) {}
// Infrastructure Layer - Stripe Implementation
public class StripePaymentGateway implements PaymentGateway {
private final StripeClient stripeClient;
private final PaymentMapper mapper;
public PaymentResult processPayment(Payment payment) {
try {
StripePaymentIntent intent = stripeClient.paymentIntents().create(
return mapper.toPaymentResult(intent);
} catch (StripeException e) {
throw new PaymentProcessingException("Failed to process payment", e);
public PaymentStatus checkStatus(PaymentId paymentId) {
try {
StripePaymentIntent intent = stripeClient.paymentIntents()
return mapper.toPaymentStatus(intent.getStatus());
} catch (StripeException e) {
throw new PaymentStatusCheckException("Failed to check payment status", e);
// Use Case Layer
public class ProcessPaymentUseCase {
private final PaymentGateway paymentGateway;
private final PaymentRepository paymentRepository;
public PaymentResult execute(ProcessPaymentCommand command) {
Payment payment = createPayment(command);
PaymentResult result = paymentGateway.processPayment(payment);
return result;
Email Gateway Exampleโ
// Domain Layer - Gateway Interface
public interface EmailGateway {
void sendEmail(Email email);
List<EmailStatus> checkBulkStatus(List<EmailId> emailIds);
EmailTemplate getTemplate(TemplateId templateId);
// Domain Layer - Email Value Object
public record Email(
EmailId id,
EmailAddress from,
List<EmailAddress> to,
List<EmailAddress> cc,
String subject,
EmailContent content,
List<Attachment> attachments
) {
public static Email createTransactional(
EmailAddress to,
String subject,
EmailContent content
) {
return new Email(
// Infrastructure Layer - AWS SES Implementation
public class SESEmailGateway implements EmailGateway {
private final AmazonSimpleEmailService sesClient;
private final EmailMapper mapper;
public void sendEmail(Email email) {
try {
SendEmailRequest request = mapper.toSESRequest(email);
SendEmailResult result = sesClient.sendEmail(request);
if (!result.getMessageId().isPresent()) {
throw new EmailSendException("Failed to send email");
} catch (AmazonSESException e) {
throw new EmailSendException("Failed to send email via SES", e);
public List<EmailStatus> checkBulkStatus(List<EmailId> emailIds) {
return emailIds.stream()
Third-Party API Gateway Exampleโ
// Domain Layer - Gateway Interface
public interface WeatherGateway {
WeatherInfo getCurrentWeather(Location location);
WeatherForecast getForecast(Location location, int days);
List<WeatherAlert> getAlerts(Location location);
// Infrastructure Layer - OpenWeather Implementation
public class OpenWeatherGateway implements WeatherGateway {
private final OpenWeatherClient client;
private final WeatherMapper mapper;
private final Cache cache;
public WeatherInfo getCurrentWeather(Location location) {
String cacheKey = buildCacheKey("current", location);
return cache.get(cacheKey, () -> {
OpenWeatherResponse response = client.getCurrentWeather(
return mapper.toWeatherInfo(response);
public WeatherForecast getForecast(Location location, int days) {
String cacheKey = buildCacheKey("forecast", location, days);
return cache.get(cacheKey, () -> {
OpenWeatherForecastResponse response = client.getForecast(
return mapper.toWeatherForecast(response);
// Use Case Layer
public class GetWeatherForecastUseCase {
private final WeatherGateway weatherGateway;
private final LocationService locationService;
public WeatherForecast execute(GetForecastRequest request) {
Location location = locationService.getLocation(request.getLocationId());
return weatherGateway.getForecast(location, request.getDays());
4. ๐ก๏ธ Error Handlingโ
Standardized Error Handlingโ
// Domain Layer - Custom Exceptions
public class GatewayException extends RuntimeException {
private final ErrorCode errorCode;
public GatewayException(String message, ErrorCode errorCode) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
public enum ErrorCode {
// Infrastructure Layer - Error Handling
public class ResilientGateway<T> {
private final T gateway;
private final CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker;
private final RetryPolicy retryPolicy;
public <R> R execute(GatewayOperation<T, R> operation) {
return circuitBreaker.execute(() ->
retryPolicy.execute(() -> {
try {
return operation.execute(gateway);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw translateException(e);
private GatewayException translateException(Exception e) {
if (e instanceof ConnectException) {
return new GatewayException(
"Service unavailable",
// Handle other exceptions...
return new GatewayException(
"Unknown error",
5. ๐งช Testing Strategiesโ
Gateway Test Doublesโ
// Test Double Implementation
public class TestPaymentGateway implements PaymentGateway {
private final Map<PaymentId, PaymentResult> payments = new HashMap<>();
public PaymentResult processPayment(Payment payment) {
PaymentResult result = new PaymentResult(
"test-transaction-" + payment.id(),
payments.put(payment.id(), result);
return result;
public PaymentStatus checkStatus(PaymentId paymentId) {
return payments.get(paymentId).status();
// Integration Test
public class StripePaymentGatewayIntegrationTest {
private PaymentGateway gateway;
void shouldProcessPayment() {
// Arrange
Payment payment = createTestPayment();
// Act
PaymentResult result = gateway.processPayment(payment);
// Assert
assertEquals(PaymentStatus.COMPLETED, result.status());
// Use Case Test
public class ProcessPaymentUseCaseTest {
@Mock private PaymentGateway paymentGateway;
void shouldProcessPaymentSuccessfully() {
// Arrange
ProcessPaymentCommand command = createTestCommand();
// Act
PaymentResult result = useCase.execute(command);
// Assert
assertEquals(PaymentStatus.COMPLETED, result.status());
6. ๐ฏ Best Practicesโ
Gateway Design Guidelinesโ
- Keep Gateway Interfaces Clean
// Good: Clean interface
public interface UserProfileGateway {
UserProfile getProfile(UserId userId);
void updateProfile(UserProfile profile);
// Bad: Leaking implementation details
public interface UserProfileGateway {
RestResponse<UserProfileDTO> getProfile(String userId);
void updateProfile(UserProfileDTO profile, Headers headers);
- Use Mappers for Data Transformation
public class PaymentMapper {
public StripePaymentIntent toStripeIntent(Payment payment) {
return PaymentIntent.builder()
public PaymentResult fromStripeIntent(StripePaymentIntent intent) {
return new PaymentResult(
- Implement Resilience Patterns
public class ResilientEmailGateway implements EmailGateway {
private final EmailGateway delegate;
private final CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker;
private final RetryPolicy retryPolicy;
public void sendEmail(Email email) {
circuitBreaker.execute(() ->
retryPolicy.execute(() ->
7. ๐ซ Anti-patternsโ
Common Mistakes to Avoidโ
- Leaking Implementation Details
// Wrong: Exposing HTTP concepts
public interface ApiGateway {
HttpResponse get(String url, Map<String, String> headers);
// Better: Domain-focused interface
public interface ProductGateway {
Product getProduct(ProductId id);
List<Product> searchProducts(SearchCriteria criteria);
- Missing Error Translation
// Wrong: Propagating third-party exceptions
public class PayPalGateway implements PaymentGateway {
public PaymentResult processPayment(Payment payment) {
return paypalClient.processPayment(payment); // Leaks PayPal exceptions
// Better: Translating to domain exceptions
public class PayPalGateway implements PaymentGateway {
public PaymentResult processPayment(Payment payment) {
try {
return paypalClient.processPayment(payment);
} catch (PayPalException e) {
throw new PaymentProcessingException(
"Failed to process payment",
8. ๐ Referencesโ
- "Clean Architecture" by Robert C. Martin
- "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" by Martin Fowler
- "Building Microservices" by Sam Newman