๐ Distributed Patterns: Saga Pattern
1. Overview and Problem Statement ๐ฏโ
The Saga Pattern is a distributed transactions pattern that manages data consistency across multiple services in a microservices architecture. It breaks down long-running transactions into a sequence of local transactions, where each local transaction updates data within a single service.
Problems Solvedโ
- Maintaining data consistency across services
- Managing distributed transactions
- Handling partial failures
- Coordinating complex business processes
- Implementing compensating transactions
Business Valueโ
- Data Consistency: Ensures business data remains consistent
- System Reliability: Handles failures gracefully
- Scalability: Enables distributed transaction management
- Visibility: Provides clear transaction state tracking
- Maintainability: Simplifies complex workflows
2. Detailed Solution/Architecture ๐๏ธโ
Core Componentsโ
Implementation Typesโ
Choreography-based Saga
- Services publish events
- Each service listens and reacts
- Decentralized coordination
Orchestration-based Saga
- Central coordinator
- Explicit flow control
- Centralized monitoring
3. Technical Implementation ๐ปโ
1. Basic Saga Implementationโ
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Callable, Dict, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
import uuid
class TransactionStatus(Enum):
class SagaStep:
name: str
execute: Callable
compensate: Callable
status: TransactionStatus = TransactionStatus.PENDING
data: Dict[str, Any] = None
class SagaCoordinator:
def __init__(self):
self.steps: List[SagaStep] = []
self.saga_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def add_step(self, name: str, execute: Callable, compensate: Callable):
step = SagaStep(name=name, execute=execute, compensate=compensate)
async def execute(self):
current_step_index = 0
# Execute forward transactions
for step in self.steps:
self.logger.info(f"Executing step: {step.name}")
step.data = await step.execute()
step.status = TransactionStatus.COMPLETED
current_step_index += 1
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Step {step.name} failed: {str(e)}")
step.status = TransactionStatus.FAILED
# Execute compensating transactions
await self._compensate(current_step_index)
async def _compensate(self, failed_step_index: int):
self.logger.info("Starting compensation process")
# Execute compensating transactions in reverse order
for step in reversed(self.steps[:failed_step_index]):
self.logger.info(f"Compensating step: {step.name}")
step.status = TransactionStatus.COMPENSATING
await step.compensate(step.data)
step.status = TransactionStatus.COMPENSATED
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Compensation failed for step {step.name}: {str(e)}")
# Handle compensation failure (might need manual intervention)
# Usage Example
async def book_trip():
saga = SagaCoordinator()
# Add saga steps
name="Reserve Hotel",
name="Book Flight",
name="Charge Payment",
await saga.execute()
2. Choreography-based Saga Implementationโ
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Any
import asyncio
import json
class EventBus:
def __init__(self):
self.subscribers: Dict[str, List[Callable]] = {}
def subscribe(self, event_type: str, callback: Callable):
if event_type not in self.subscribers:
self.subscribers[event_type] = []
async def publish(self, event_type: str, data: Any):
if event_type in self.subscribers:
for callback in self.subscribers[event_type]:
await callback(data)
class SagaParticipant(ABC):
def __init__(self, event_bus: EventBus):
self.event_bus = event_bus
def register_handlers(self):
async def execute_transaction(self, data: Dict):
async def execute_compensation(self, data: Dict):
class HotelService(SagaParticipant):
def register_handlers(self):
self.event_bus.subscribe("BookTrip", self.handle_book_trip)
self.event_bus.subscribe("CompensateHotel", self.execute_compensation)
async def handle_book_trip(self, data: Dict):
result = await self.execute_transaction(data)
await self.event_bus.publish("HotelBooked", result)
except Exception as e:
await self.event_bus.publish("HotelBookingFailed", str(e))
async def execute_transaction(self, data: Dict):
# Implement hotel booking logic
return {"reservation_id": "123"}
async def execute_compensation(self, data: Dict):
# Implement hotel cancellation logic
class ChoreographySaga:
def __init__(self, event_bus: EventBus):
self.event_bus = event_bus
self.completed_steps = []
self.failed = False
async def start(self, data: Dict):
await self.event_bus.publish("BookTrip", data)
def handle_success(self, step: str):
def handle_failure(self, step: str):
self.failed = True
# Start compensation
async def _start_compensation(self):
for step in reversed(self.completed_steps):
await self.event_bus.publish(f"Compensate{step}", {})
# Usage Example
async def main():
event_bus = EventBus()
hotel_service = HotelService(event_bus)
flight_service = FlightService(event_bus)
payment_service = PaymentService(event_bus)
saga = ChoreographySaga(event_bus)
await saga.start({"trip_id": "T123"})
3. Orchestration-based Saga Implementationโ
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Dict, Optional
import asyncio
class SagaDefinition:
steps: List[Dict[str, Callable]]
compensation_steps: List[Dict[str, Callable]]
class SagaOrchestrator:
def __init__(self):
self.sagas: Dict[str, SagaDefinition] = {}
self.active_sagas: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
def define_saga(self, saga_name: str, saga_definition: SagaDefinition):
self.sagas[saga_name] = saga_definition
async def start_saga(self, saga_name: str, initial_data: Dict) -> str:
if saga_name not in self.sagas:
raise ValueError(f"Saga {saga_name} not found")
saga_instance_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.active_sagas[saga_instance_id] = {
"definition": self.sagas[saga_name],
"state": initial_data,
"current_step": 0,
"status": "RUNNING"
await self._execute_saga(saga_instance_id)
return saga_instance_id
async def _execute_saga(self, saga_instance_id: str):
saga = self.active_sagas[saga_instance_id]
current_step = saga["current_step"]
while current_step < len(saga["definition"].steps):
step = saga["definition"].steps[current_step]
result = await step["execute"](saga["state"])
saga["current_step"] += 1
current_step += 1
saga["status"] = "COMPLETED"
except Exception as e:
saga["status"] = "FAILED"
await self._compensate_saga(saga_instance_id)
async def _compensate_saga(self, saga_instance_id: str):
saga = self.active_sagas[saga_instance_id]
current_step = saga["current_step"]
for compensation_step in reversed(saga["definition"].compensation_steps[:current_step]):
await compensation_step["compensate"](saga["state"])
except Exception as e:
# Log compensation failure
saga["status"] = "COMPENSATED"
# Usage Example
async def create_order_saga():
orchestrator = SagaOrchestrator()
saga_definition = SagaDefinition(
{"execute": create_order},
{"execute": reserve_inventory},
{"execute": process_payment},
{"execute": ship_order}
{"compensate": cancel_shipment},
{"compensate": refund_payment},
{"compensate": release_inventory},
{"compensate": cancel_order}
orchestrator.define_saga("CreateOrder", saga_definition)
return orchestrator
4. Best Practices and Guidelines ๐โ
1. Idempotency Implementationโ
from functools import wraps
import hashlib
def idempotent(key_generator):
def decorator(func):
async def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Generate idempotency key
key = key_generator(*args, **kwargs)
# Check if operation was already executed
if await self.is_already_executed(key):
return await self.get_stored_result(key)
# Execute operation
result = await func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Store result
await self.store_result(key, result)
return result
return wrapper
return decorator
class PaymentService:
@idempotent(lambda transaction_id: f"payment_{transaction_id}")
async def process_payment(self, transaction_id: str, amount: float):
# Process payment logic
2. Error Handlingโ
class SagaError(Exception):
def __init__(self, step_name: str, original_error: Exception):
self.step_name = step_name
self.original_error = original_error
super().__init__(f"Saga step {step_name} failed: {str(original_error)}")
class CompensationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, step_name: str, original_error: Exception):
self.step_name = step_name
self.original_error = original_error
super().__init__(f"Compensation for step {step_name} failed: {str(original_error)}")
class SagaErrorHandler:
async def handle_error(error: Exception, saga_instance: Dict):
if isinstance(error, SagaError):
# Log error details
logging.error(f"Saga failed at step {error.step_name}: {error.original_error}")
# Start compensation
await saga_instance["orchestrator"].compensate()
elif isinstance(error, CompensationError):
# Log compensation failure
logging.error(f"Compensation failed at step {error.step_name}: {error.original_error}")
# Notify administrators
await notify_administrators(error)
5. Monitoring and Observability ๐โ
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
import prometheus_client as prom
class SagaMetrics:
saga_duration = prom.Histogram(
'Time spent executing saga',
saga_success = prom.Counter(
'Number of successfully completed sagas',
saga_failures = prom.Counter(
'Number of failed sagas',
compensation_success = prom.Counter(
'Number of successful compensations',
compensation_failures = prom.Counter(
'Number of failed compensations',
class MonitoredSagaOrchestrator:
def __init__(self):
self.metrics = SagaMetrics()
def monitor_saga_execution(self, saga_name: str):
start_time = time.time()
except Exception:
duration = time.time() - start_time
6. Testing Strategies ๐งชโ
Integration Testingโ
from typing import AsyncGenerator
import pytest
import pytest_asyncio
import asyncio
from databases import Database
class TestSagaIntegration:
async def database(self) -> AsyncGenerator[Database, None]:
db = Database("postgresql://user:pass@localhost/test")
await db.connect()
yield db
await db.disconnect()
async def saga_orchestrator(self, database):
orchestrator = SagaOrchestrator()
async def create_order(data):
await database.execute(
"INSERT INTO orders (id, status) VALUES (:id, :status)",
{"id": data["order_id"], "status": "PENDING"}
return {"order_created": True}
async def reserve_inventory(data):
await database.execute(
"UPDATE inventory SET quantity = quantity - :quantity WHERE product_id = :product_id",
{"product_id": data["product_id"], "quantity": data["quantity"]}
return {"inventory_reserved": True}
saga_definition = SagaDefinition(
{"execute": create_order},
{"execute": reserve_inventory}
{"compensate": release_inventory},
{"compensate": cancel_order}
orchestrator.define_saga("CreateOrder", saga_definition)
return orchestrator
async def test_create_order_saga(self, saga_orchestrator, database):
# Setup test data
initial_data = {
"order_id": "O123",
"product_id": "P456",
"quantity": 1
# Execute saga
saga_id = await saga_orchestrator.start_saga("CreateOrder", initial_data)
# Verify final state
order = await database.fetch_one(
"SELECT status FROM orders WHERE id = :id",
{"id": initial_data["order_id"]}
assert order["status"] == "COMPLETED"
inventory = await database.fetch_one(
"SELECT quantity FROM inventory WHERE product_id = :id",
{"id": initial_data["product_id"]}
assert inventory["quantity"] == initial_data["quantity"]
Failure Testingโ
class TestSagaFailures:
def failing_saga(self):
orchestrator = SagaOrchestrator()
async def failing_step(data):
raise Exception("Simulated failure")
async def compensation_step(data):
return {"compensated": True}
saga_definition = SagaDefinition(
{"execute": Mock(return_value={"step1": "completed"})},
{"execute": failing_step}
{"compensate": compensation_step},
{"compensate": Mock()}
orchestrator.define_saga("FailingSaga", saga_definition)
return orchestrator
async def test_saga_compensation_on_failure(self, failing_saga):
with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc_info:
await failing_saga.start_saga("FailingSaga", {})
assert str(exc_info.value) == "Simulated failure"
# Verify compensation was executed
saga_state = failing_saga.active_sagas[0]
assert saga_state["status"] == "COMPENSATED"
assert saga_state["state"].get("compensated") == True
7. Performance Optimization โกโ
1. Parallel Executionโ
class ParallelSagaOrchestrator:
async def _execute_parallel_steps(self, steps: List[Dict], state: Dict) -> Dict:
tasks = []
for step in steps:
if step.get("parallel", False):
task = asyncio.create_task(step["execute"](state))
# Execute non-parallel steps sequentially
result = await step["execute"](state)
if tasks:
# Wait for all parallel tasks to complete
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
# Handle any exceptions from parallel execution
for result in results:
if isinstance(result, Exception):
raise result
return state
# Usage Example
saga_definition = SagaDefinition(
{"execute": create_order},
"execute": reserve_inventory,
"parallel": True
"execute": process_payment,
"parallel": True
2. Batch Processingโ
class BatchSagaOrchestrator:
def __init__(self, batch_size: int = 10):
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.pending_sagas: List[Dict] = []
async def add_to_batch(self, saga_name: str, initial_data: Dict):
"saga_name": saga_name,
"data": initial_data
if len(self.pending_sagas) >= self.batch_size:
await self.process_batch()
async def process_batch(self):
tasks = []
for saga in self.pending_sagas:
task = self.start_saga(saga["saga_name"], saga["data"])
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
self.pending_sagas = []
return results
8. Common Patterns and Use Cases ๐โ
1. Order Processing Sagaโ
class OrderProcessingSaga:
def __init__(self):
self.orchestrator = SagaOrchestrator()
saga_definition = SagaDefinition(
"name": "Validate Order",
"execute": self.validate_order
"name": "Reserve Inventory",
"execute": self.reserve_inventory
"name": "Process Payment",
"execute": self.process_payment
"name": "Ship Order",
"execute": self.ship_order
"name": "Cancel Shipment",
"compensate": self.cancel_shipment
"name": "Refund Payment",
"compensate": self.refund_payment
"name": "Release Inventory",
"compensate": self.release_inventory
"name": "Cancel Order",
"compensate": self.cancel_order
self.orchestrator.define_saga("OrderProcessing", saga_definition)
async def process_order(self, order_data: Dict):
return await self.orchestrator.start_saga("OrderProcessing", order_data)
2. Travel Booking Sagaโ
class TravelBookingSaga:
def __init__(self):
self.orchestrator = SagaOrchestrator()
saga_definition = SagaDefinition(
"name": "Book Flight",
"execute": self.book_flight,
"parallel": True
"name": "Book Hotel",
"execute": self.book_hotel,
"parallel": True
"name": "Book Car",
"execute": self.book_car,
"parallel": True
"name": "Process Payment",
"execute": self.process_payment
"name": "Refund Payment",
"compensate": self.refund_payment
"name": "Cancel Car",
"compensate": self.cancel_car
"name": "Cancel Hotel",
"compensate": self.cancel_hotel
"name": "Cancel Flight",
"compensate": self.cancel_flight
self.orchestrator.define_saga("TravelBooking", saga_definition)
9. Security Considerations ๐โ
1. Transaction Isolationโ
class IsolatedSagaOrchestrator:
def __init__(self):
self.locked_resources: Dict[str, str] = {}
async def acquire_lock(self, resource_id: str, saga_id: str) -> bool:
if resource_id in self.locked_resources:
return False
self.locked_resources[resource_id] = saga_id
return True
async def release_lock(self, resource_id: str, saga_id: str):
if self.locked_resources.get(resource_id) == saga_id:
del self.locked_resources[resource_id]
async def execute_isolated_step(self, step: Dict, saga_id: str, data: Dict):
required_resources = step.get("required_resources", [])
# Acquire all locks
locks_acquired = all(
await self.acquire_lock(resource, saga_id)
for resource in required_resources
if not locks_acquired:
raise ResourceLockError("Failed to acquire required locks")
return await step["execute"](data)
# Release all locks
for resource in required_resources:
await self.release_lock(resource, saga_id)
10. References and Resources ๐โ
- "Microservices Patterns" by Chris Richardson
- "Domain-Driven Design" by Eric Evans
- "Building Microservices" by Sam Newman
Academic Papersโ
- Garcia-Molina, H. & Salem, K. (1987). "Sagas"
- Clemens Vasters. "Messaging Patterns in Service-Oriented Architecture"