🎯 Data Structures: Directed Graphs
A directed graph (digraph) is a graph where edges have a direction, pointing from one vertex to another. Unlike undirected graphs, relationships in directed graphs are one-way unless explicitly defined otherwise.
Real-World Analogy 🌎
Think of directed graphs like:
- One-way streets in a city
- Social media following relationships
- Web page links
- Dependencies in a software project
Key Concepts 🎯
Core Components
Vertices (Nodes)
- Unique identifiers
- Optional vertex data
- In-degree and out-degree
Edges (Arcs)
- Source vertex
- Destination vertex
- Optional weight/cost
- Direction
Graph Properties
- Cyclicity
- Connectivity
- Strong/Weak components
- DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
Implementation Examples
Directed Graph Implementation
- Java
- Go
public class DirectedGraph<T> {
private class Vertex {
T data;
Map<Vertex, Integer> edges; // destination -> weight
Vertex(T data) {
this.data = data;
this.edges = new HashMap<>();
private Map<T, Vertex> vertices;
public DirectedGraph() {
vertices = new HashMap<>();
// Add vertex to graph
public void addVertex(T data) {
vertices.putIfAbsent(data, new Vertex(data));
// Add directed edge with weight
public void addEdge(T source, T destination, int weight) {
Vertex sourceVertex = vertices.get(source);
Vertex destVertex = vertices.get(destination);
if (sourceVertex == null || destVertex == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertex not found");
sourceVertex.edges.put(destVertex, weight);
// Get in-degree of a vertex
public int getInDegree(T data) {
return (int) vertices.values().stream()
.filter(v -> v.edges.containsKey(vertices.get(data)))
// Get out-degree of a vertex
public int getOutDegree(T data) {
Vertex vertex = vertices.get(data);
if (vertex == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertex not found");
return vertex.edges.size();
// Check if graph is cyclic using DFS
public boolean hasCycle() {
Set<Vertex> visited = new HashSet<>();
Set<Vertex> recStack = new HashSet<>();
for (Vertex vertex : vertices.values()) {
if (hasCycleUtil(vertex, visited, recStack)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasCycleUtil(Vertex vertex, Set<Vertex> visited, Set<Vertex> recStack) {
if (recStack.contains(vertex)) {
return true;
if (visited.contains(vertex)) {
return false;
for (Vertex neighbor : vertex.edges.keySet()) {
if (hasCycleUtil(neighbor, visited, recStack)) {
return true;
return false;
// Find strongly connected components using Kosaraju's algorithm
public List<List<T>> findSCCs() {
Stack<Vertex> stack = new Stack<>();
Set<Vertex> visited = new HashSet<>();
// First DFS to fill stack
for (Vertex vertex : vertices.values()) {
if (!visited.contains(vertex)) {
fillOrder(vertex, visited, stack);
// Create transpose graph
DirectedGraph<T> transposed = getTranspose();
// Second DFS
List<List<T>> sccs = new ArrayList<>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Vertex vertex = stack.pop();
if (!visited.contains(vertex)) {
List<T> scc = new ArrayList<>();
transposed.DFSUtil(vertices.get(vertex.data), visited, scc);
return sccs;
private void fillOrder(Vertex vertex, Set<Vertex> visited, Stack<Vertex> stack) {
for (Vertex neighbor : vertex.edges.keySet()) {
if (!visited.contains(neighbor)) {
fillOrder(neighbor, visited, stack);
private DirectedGraph<T> getTranspose() {
DirectedGraph<T> transposed = new DirectedGraph<>();
// Add all vertices
for (T data : vertices.keySet()) {
// Add reversed edges
for (Map.Entry<T, Vertex> entry : vertices.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<Vertex, Integer> edge : entry.getValue().edges.entrySet()) {
transposed.addEdge(edge.getKey().data, entry.getKey(), edge.getValue());
return transposed;
private void DFSUtil(Vertex vertex, Set<Vertex> visited, List<T> component) {
for (Vertex neighbor : vertex.edges.keySet()) {
if (!visited.contains(neighbor)) {
DFSUtil(neighbor, visited, component);
package main
import (
type Vertex[T comparable] struct {
data T
edges map[*Vertex[T]]int // destination -> weight
type DirectedGraph[T comparable] struct {
vertices map[T]*Vertex[T]
func NewDirectedGraph[T comparable]() *DirectedGraph[T] {
return &DirectedGraph[T]{
vertices: make(map[T]*Vertex[T]),
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) AddVertex(data T) {
if _, exists := g.vertices[data]; !exists {
g.vertices[data] = &Vertex[T]{
data: data,
edges: make(map[*Vertex[T]]int),
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) AddEdge(source, destination T, weight int) error {
sourceVertex := g.vertices[source]
destVertex := g.vertices[destination]
if sourceVertex == nil || destVertex == nil {
return errors.New("vertex not found")
sourceVertex.edges[destVertex] = weight
return nil
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) GetInDegree(data T) int {
count := 0
vertex := g.vertices[data]
if vertex == nil {
return 0
for _, v := range g.vertices {
if _, exists := v.edges[vertex]; exists {
return count
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) GetOutDegree(data T) int {
vertex := g.vertices[data]
if vertex == nil {
return 0
return len(vertex.edges)
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) HasCycle() bool {
visited := make(map[*Vertex[T]]bool)
recStack := make(map[*Vertex[T]]bool)
for _, vertex := range g.vertices {
if g.hasCycleUtil(vertex, visited, recStack) {
return true
return false
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) hasCycleUtil(vertex *Vertex[T], visited, recStack map[*Vertex[T]]bool) bool {
if recStack[vertex] {
return true
if visited[vertex] {
return false
visited[vertex] = true
recStack[vertex] = true
for neighbor := range vertex.edges {
if g.hasCycleUtil(neighbor, visited, recStack) {
return true
recStack[vertex] = false
return false
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) FindSCCs() [][]T {
// Implementation of Kosaraju's algorithm
stack := make([]*Vertex[T], 0)
visited := make(map[*Vertex[T]]bool)
// First DFS to fill stack
for _, vertex := range g.vertices {
if !visited[vertex] {
g.fillOrder(vertex, visited, &stack)
// Create transpose graph
transposed := g.getTranspose()
// Second DFS
visited = make(map[*Vertex[T]]bool)
var sccs [][]T
for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
vertex := stack[i]
if !visited[vertex] {
var component []T
transposed.dfsUtil(g.vertices[vertex.data], visited, &component)
sccs = append(sccs, component)
return sccs
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) fillOrder(vertex *Vertex[T], visited map[*Vertex[T]]bool, stack *[]*Vertex[T]) {
visited[vertex] = true
for neighbor := range vertex.edges {
if !visited[neighbor] {
g.fillOrder(neighbor, visited, stack)
*stack = append(*stack, vertex)
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) getTranspose() *DirectedGraph[T] {
transposed := NewDirectedGraph[T]()
// Add all vertices
for data := range g.vertices {
// Add reversed edges
for data, vertex := range g.vertices {
for neighbor, weight := range vertex.edges {
transposed.AddEdge(neighbor.data, data, weight)
return transposed
func (g *DirectedGraph[T]) dfsUtil(vertex *Vertex[T], visited map[*Vertex[T]]bool, component *[]T) {
visited[vertex] = true
*component = append(*component, vertex.data)
for neighbor := range vertex.edges {
if !visited[neighbor] {
g.dfsUtil(neighbor, visited, component)
Related Patterns 🔄
Visitor Pattern
- Graph traversal
- Node processing
Iterator Pattern
- Edge traversal
- Path iteration
Observer Pattern
- Graph modifications
- State changes
Best Practices 👍
Storage Selection
- Adjacency list for sparse graphs
- Adjacency matrix for dense graphs
Edge Representation
- Weight handling
- Direction management
Graph Metrics
- Vertex count
- Edge density
- Component size
Performance Tracking
- Traversal time
- Memory usage
- Operation counts
Graph Properties
- Connectivity
- Cycles
- Components
Edge Cases
- Empty graph
- Single vertex
- Complete graph
Common Pitfalls ⚠️
Direction Errors
- Incorrect edge direction
- Solution: Edge validation
Component Isolation
- Unreachable vertices
- Solution: Connectivity check
Memory Management
- Vertex/edge cleanup
- Solution: Proper deletion
Use Cases 🎯
1. Dependency Management
- Usage: Software dependencies
- Why: Circular dependency detection
- Implementation: Cycle detection
2. Web Crawling
- Usage: Website navigation
- Why: Link traversal
- Implementation: DFS/BFS
3. Network Routing
- Usage: Data flow
- Why: Path optimization
- Implementation: Shortest path
Deep Dive Topics 🤿
Thread Safety
Concurrent Access
- Read-write locks
- Vertex locking
- Edge synchronization
Parallel Operations
- Concurrent traversal
- Safe modifications
- State consistency
Time Complexity
- Edge addition: O(1)
- Vertex search: O(1)
- Cycle detection: O(V + E)
Space Optimization
- Edge representation
- Vertex storage
- Component tracking
Distributed Systems
- Graph Partitioning
- Vertex distribution
- Edge handling
- Consistency management
Additional Resources 📚
- "Introduction to Algorithms" - CLRS
- "Graph Theory" - Reinhard Diestel
- "Algorithms in Java" - Robert Sedgewick
- Graph Visualization
- GraphViz
- Neo4j
- Cytoscape
- JGraphT (Java)
- Boost Graph Library (C++)
- NetworkX (Python)
FAQs ❓
Q: When should I use a directed vs undirected graph?
A: Use directed graphs when:
- Relationships are one-way
- Order matters
- Flow direction is important
Q: How to handle strongly connected components?
A: Use algorithms like:
- Kosaraju's algorithm
- Tarjan's algorithm
- Path-based algorithm
Q: Best practices for cycle detection?
A: Consider:
- DFS with visited set
- Color marking approach
- Topological sort